Friday 12 July 2013

Does The Linden Method Work? Find Out In Our Review

By Jia Li Tien

The Linden Method has become quite well known by people around the world as a way to completely eliminate panic attacks, anxiety, OCD and Agoraphobia naturally and without having to resort to any type of drugs.The Linden Method was named after its creator, Charles Linden who in the 80's started suffering from massive panic attacks. He was prescribed countless drugs such as Stelazine, Prozac, Zispin and Diazepam but none of them prevented him from having further panic attacks. He visited multiple specialists, therapists, psychiatrists and psychologists and all they did was take his money and provide little in the way of a solution for him. Charles knew there had to be a better way so he started in the quest to find it and he came up with The Linden Method.

A person with this affliction has difficulty functioning like a normal human being. This condition affects his relationship with his family, workmates and even love partners. He lives a life of constant fear. This condition can alleviate to affecting his physical well being.

The physical symptoms of GAD are clearly seen by the naked eye but at first can be confused with the symptoms of an ordinary medical ailment. Profuse sweating may be mistaken for a hormonal imbalance in the body. Difficulty in breathing might be associated with a respiratory disease. Tightness of the chest is misconstrued for a mild heart attack. The list of symptoms of a general anxiety disorder can go on and on and so are the associated ailments that they are mistaken for. Unless a thorough investigation is done by a medical practitioner only then can this ailment be truly identified.

Breathing in deeply using the abdomen decreases the carbon dioxide levels very rapidly. Use the nose the breath in for one count, hold for two-four counts, and exhale through the mouth for two counts. After a minute you can double the counts. Breath in deeply through the nose for two counts, hold for eight counts, and exhale for four. At first it will be difficult to control breathing as a panic attack will cause you to feel unable to do so. But if you can stick with it you will feel your body begin to rapidly return to a balanced state.

People with GAD are wondering how does the Linden Method really work to relieve them of their affliction. This method is the most effective cure that addresses their behavioral issues in a most straightforward manner. This treatment makes it clear that a behavioral disorder should not be treated like a medical condition. Therefore, the method of treatment is in dealing with the psyche of the patient and not with his physical well being.

He can download the eBook which is a self-help version of the method. He can read the reviews of former patients and ultimately try the treatment himself.Charles Linden claims to have discovered the one underlying reason for every type of anxiety disorder, panic attack, phobia, OCD & PTSD.The Charles Linden method states a small almond shaped organ in the brain called the Amygdala is 100% responsible for all your symptoms.

This is where The Linden Method seems to be unique, it does not put the responsibility for anxiety disorders on stress, bereavement or life circumstances, these are considered to be the triggers for the anxiety.The backbone of The Linden Method is Charles Linden's claim to be able to reverse the trauma done to the Amygdala, thus curing the anxiety disorder.

Now Charles Linden knew how and why anxiety could be conquered and stress relief could take its place. He carefully studied the data and put it all together into a logical pattern. This became the basis for The Linden Method.Of course, he had to test the principles of The Linden Method on himself. Not only did they work but he astounded former doctors and psychologists who had treated him. Some didn't expect him to ever be truly cured but he proved them wrong.It took awhile for Linden to branch out and offer his program to other people. His family and spouse had to push him to do so. He has since helped more than 130,000 people to get relief. Many of them have gone on to offer testimonials of the great success of his treatment.As of today, The Linden Method has been offered for over 12 years now. Psychologists and doctors have referred clients to the program and satisfied clients have raved about their success using the Charles Linden's method.

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