Tuesday 9 July 2013

Bob Proctor - A Review Of The Life And Works Of Bob Proctor: The Author Of 'you Were Born Rich'

By Patricia E. Beeson

Bob Proctor is the author of the book 'You were Born Rich' which talks about manifesting personal wealth in our lives and how he did it. He is also featured on the movie 'The Secret' that took America by storm. Bob Proctor is committed to showing by example. He tells us in his book how he began his journey very miserable, unhappy and broke. Instead of continuing down this path, his life was touched by Earl Nightingale and from that day forward, Bob Proctor developed himself into the powerful, focused, and actualized person he is today.

Bob Proctor teaches us that wealth creation is about so much more than creating wealth. It is about enriching our lives in every possible way. By taking the time to put his ideas into practice, it is possible to see great change and power occur on a fundamental level. He is one of the many great teachers of 'The Secret' along with Michael Beckwith and Jack Canfield. The teachings they espouse originate from the 'Law of Attraction' which essentially states that 'like unto itself is drawn' or 'like attracts like.' This teaches us that since our thoughts also respond to like energy, we will attract the subject of our thoughts to us if we continue to think the same things and become emotionally invested in those thoughts, then that is what we create.These concepts may not be new as many people are becoming aware of the truths that govern their daily lives. In fact on close inspection we can see how our focus directs our lives. When we decide on a new house and focus on it by holding the mental image in our mind, eventually we begin to take inspired action towards the realization of that vision. The program works by reminding us how to use what we already know to add wealth and beauty to our lives.

He decided to use the thoughts summarized in that book. Firstly, he set a figure he desired to earn, noted it down, focused on it and kept that in a pocket. To achieve this target sum of $25,000, he quit his job, in spite of protests.Soon he started a janitorial service specializing in cleaning workplaces. This grew within a year into a nationwide chain. He had earned much more than his original target. Shortly, he became a millionaire. As he felt that the book had an effect on him, he felt obliged to share his achievements with people. During this period, Bob read numerous self-help books. Proctor made a decision to become a life-coach. In the consequent years, Bob has trained managerial staff at a lot of companies.

Bob Proctor was born in Canada in the year 1935. He was never interested in education when he was on his younger years. He dropped out of high school later on. His career started when he joined the Canadian Navy and served for four years and worked at the fire department later on. It was not a good opportunity for him and had financial problems hunting him frequently. His life started to change when a friend gave him the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. This book changed Bob Proctor's life and made him earn $175,000 in one year then earning millions soon after.

Today, Bob Proctor presides over seminars worldwide and disseminates his message though several media companies he steers. Coaching Consulting Program is offered along with materials designed to educate users on human motivations that do or don't lead to success. He continues to offer a twelve-month coaching program through his website that promises to be a rigorous and intensive series materials and conference calls. He has written numerous books on the topics of getting what you want out of life and fulfilling goals since the 1960s including The Success Puzzle, The Winner's Image, The Goal Achiever and his highly influential and best-selling, You Were Born Rich. Most recently he's been featured on the phenomenally successful movie The Gift, as an interviewee and philosopher. With other experts from the film Bob has been conducting seminars to teach people how to use the power of thought to propel themselves into the powerful people they can become. Bob claims to be spry as ever, in his early 70s, expressing sincere gratitude for his good fortune and abundance every day. He remains committed to the teaching of his system for attaining personal satisfaction.

The Bob Proctor 11 Forgotten Laws are a set of Universal Laws in the vein of the Law of Attraction. In fact, Bob Proctor was a featured speaker in the movie "The Secret." But not long ago this popular motivational and success author boldly announced that the Law of Attraction as presented in the movie the "The Secret" was "pop culture fluff". In response to his belief that there was more that needed to be known, he is presenting the Bob Proctor 11 Forgotten Laws.You may have heard all of that before. But how can you get information and reviews on of the individual laws and what is in the program? Have you been looking for reviews from someone who has used and studied the program? When the book and the movie "The Secret" reached massive popularity, Bob Proctor says that what finally reached the public was a watered down version of the Law of Attraction. Many people were not familiar with some of the original new thought authors such as Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles, Ernest Holmes, Emmett Fox, and H. Emilie Cady, or James Allen. If they had been, it's likely they would have reached the same conclusion. Although following three steps to manifest your desires seems attractive, the power of our minds is much more comprehensive than we realize.

Although, just as the Secret was no secret, I don't believe the Bob Proctor 11 Forgotten Laws have been forgotten at all. These Laws of Thought however, have been ignored in the media frenzy attached to the Law of Attraction.Bob Proctor, along with Mary Morrissey, has put together a set of lessons on the 11 Forgotten Laws. Many people have tried to use the Law of Attraction based on incomplete information. When their results have not meant with their expectations, they have given up when in fact they were missing some very important pieces of information.If that has been your experience, instead of giving up, you may have started to look around at something like the 11 Forgotten Laws.

Emmett Fox says much the same thing in his writing. He has written that most people think of God's will as being negative, such as a death or sickness. Emmett Fox agrees with what is said in the Bob Proctor Law of Success when he says the Truth is that God's will for us is joy, abundance, success, happiness, love, peace and poise.From the study of all of the 11 Forgotten Laws we know that the right mental attitude and the quality of our thoughts are important. We are taught to attain and keep an attitude of Success. But these attitudes must be incorporated deeply, even down to the level of every cell of our being.

There is much more to learn in the 11 Forgotten Laws about the Bob Proctor Law of Success. Some that are touched on in the summary I've written are a discussion of the definition of success. We talk about right thought and right action as well as working in partnership with the Universe.Bob has said many times that the Law of Attraction by itself is incomplete. The Bob Proctor Law of Success is an essential part of the whole. Use all of the 11 Forgotten Laws to achieve success and fulfill your desires.I have personally been studying and using the Bob Proctor 11 Forgotten Laws and I've written an extensive review of each one of the 11 Forgotten Laws.If you are looking for more information about these lessons you can find them at The Bob Proctor Law of Success as well as a review which includes the pros and cons and an inside look at the free bonus package that comes with the program.

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