Sunday 23 June 2013

The Special Meaning Of Using Worship Banners

By Lila Barry

Worship banners are use throughout the world, and throughout history. They mean different things. Some of them announce approaching gathering of people. They represented opposing sides, during time of war, and they also report of victory. They also speak of royalty, and there are banners that declare the things surrounding the adoration of the Lord.

The use of banners for this purpose goes all the way back to biblical times, when people used them to identify a particular group of people and their tenets of faith. Society today, is very visual, and banners serve as reminder of the what people believe. Every time they look at one, it brings their faith to mind.

They also remind believers of the presence of the Lord. He is always there, and they remind the people of the truth. Many times a banner contains the word of God, and this is a way to keep people mindful of what they believe. Historically, banners revealed certain things about Christianity.

It helps in the different services today, when the congregation understands the meaning of them. Even the newer banners carry a message revealing truths about the Christian life. It is important to know the meanings because it adds richness and sincerity to how they worship.

When Solomon built the temple, he placed two large statues at the gate entrance to the temple. They served as a reminder of the reason for the temple and all that it represented. This should be the reason for worship flags today. It should be one of the things that helps individuals to focus on things that will last throughout eternity.

The psalms speak of the eternal sovereignty of God. This declaration is repeated by the different ways that various houses of worship depicted this truth. They may not all view it exactly the same, but it stands as an eternal truth that cannot be changed. The variation in how it is presented results from the way the banners are made.

The grand images that represent fidelity to Christ appear differently, through the use of color. Colors have the ability to invoke response from anyone, who views it. A good example of this is the color red. Universally, it represents blood, and put on a banner it proclaims the blood of Christ. The same holds true for the color purple. In most cases, it is used to symbolize royalty, and the same is true on a banner.

Each one has a specific purpose and constantly reminds the viewer of the purpose and design of worship. The first and most important thing to remember worship flags are instruments of praise to the most high God. They are should be respected and treated with reverence. They should never be the object to be adored. They should be symbols of the love that they have for God.

Worship banners are mostly use in public, but there is no reason why individuals with a sincere heart cannot use them in their time of private worship. Using them will incorporate the whole body. It engages the worshipper with the presence of Almighty God in such a way that sets them free.

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