Wednesday 12 June 2013

The Problems With Long Distance Dating

By Ron George

You will not find reasons for avoiding a long distance relationship in this article. You should know that long distance relationships can work and often do work. You just have to put in the time and effort for a successful outcome, and the benefits can be brilliant. Below I will describe the main reasons why a long distance relationship doesn't work.

A Variation on Expectations

Remember that you should keep in close contact with your sweetheart. It has been advised by marriage counsellors that regular couples ought to devote 8 hours alone each week. And the same is recommended for a long distance couple. It can be challenging to keep this communication when you both have separate lives. Also when the initial "love-struck" emotions have worn off, talking on a computer may start to get fairly dull. We recommend you schedule some great long distance dates to get more out of your communication time.

Different Expectations

Distance relationships go wrong because of a substantial lack of plans for the future. You should be clear about where the relationship is heading prior to the departure, as it could save you both a great deal of grief down the line.

Little Long Term Plans

The biggest reason why a lot of relationships start to go wrong, not to mention those involving long distance, is because couples have simply no plans for the long term. Prior to the departure, be sure that you know where the relationship is headed. This will likely save a lot of heartache along the line when you find that you don't want to be married, when they tell you that they do.

Lack of Trust

Provided you're lucky enough to live in the same country as your significant other, you may only have to buy a rail or bus ticket to see them. On the other hand if your relationship extends internationally, you must take the traveling costs into account. Is this something you can afford?

Not Enough Trust

If you're fortunate enough to be living in the same country, or the same state, as your sweetheart then you might only have to buy a train or bus ticket to meet them. But if your relationship is international, you must take into account the airfare that you will need to pay each time you meet up with your loved one.

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