Sunday 9 June 2013

Palm Reading: How To Palmistry And The Essence Of How It Works

By Jeff K.

Many of us today are utilizing the tools made readily available to us such as psychiatrists, psychologists, massage therapists, and even councilors. In a world that seems to just get more uncertain as the days go by, one specialized ancient art is really becoming more popular by the day. This is the ancient art of palm reading.

If you look into palm reading you might hear it called chiromancy or another term depending where in the world you are and what kind of cultures are around. The ancient art of palm reading, which professionals now are even called "hand analysts" have been tracked back thousands of years to ancient Greece and it's inception was believed to happen in India.

While many believe that in fact palm reading was founded in India they will also tell you that it has specific roots in astrology and various fortune tellers as well. It was said that the art of palm reading made its way to Aristotle who presented it to Alexander the great who then used what they learned to study the characteristics and personalities of his officers.

When palm reading is being performed the reader will essentially be reading various information producing things such as different lines and mounts on the palm. In deeper readings you will also seem them analyzing certain features of the hand. History has shown that this is a great way to evaluate the future of an individuals life.

Your dominant hand, which will end up being the one that you use a majority of the time is the one that will end up being read by the palm reader. This is done because the dominant hand is the one that is believed to store the information about current life and what's in store for the future. Many believe deeply in the Greek roots in palm reading and believe that everything is represented by a Greek Goddess or a Greek God.

One Greek God that may be referenced when reading the palm of an individual is Apollo as he is believed to express himself in the ring of the finger. Often this reveals things like wealth and fame of the person. Moving on from there a reader will often look at any palm mounts, the other lines of the palm, finger length and also hand shape.

The shape of your hand will be directly tied to one of four different shapes of hands which will either be the water, the air, the fire, or the earth hand. Most commonly readers are going to assess and look at your fate line if you have one since it's not always visible. Readers will also look at 3 other common lines which are the health, heart and head lines. If a reader notice any visible mounts like the Saturn, Jupiter or Venus mounts those will also be read.

I remember the first time I had my palm read, I was shocked and amazed to reveal such valuable data about myself that I didn't seem to be aware of. The more I learned about palm reading the easier it was for me to read other people's palms and if you are lucky that can even amount to some nice paydays.

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