Saturday 29 June 2013

Jesus Genealogy As Told By Matthew And Luke

By Jeanette Riggs

The Jesus genealogy can be found in two books of the Good Book. First it can be located in Luke. The second is in Matthew. Matthew's rendition begins with Abraham and then moves on to King David's boy named Solomon and goes through the line of the kings down to Jeconiah, of which was cursed by God be barren. Next you will find Joseph, the legal father of Jesus.

Luke follows a different line. His account goes all the way back to Adam. Next it follows one of Davids sons and on to Nathan of which will bring you back to Joseph. In both statements, it is said that Jesus was not begot of Joseph but, from God himself. The lists are both the same when it come to following between Abraham and David. After that they are totally different.

Several Theories exist to explain the lineage differences. Majority of Scholars think that the heritage outlined in Matthew are Josephs and the one in Luke are Marys. They both seem to follow a path that connects Jesus to David. This actually ha meaning because God had spoken to David telling him that a blood kin would be sat upon the eternal throne.

He gained a lawful claim to the throne from Joseph. He was blessed with the blood line claim to throne because of his mother Mary. He managed to gain the blood line from David and didn't receive the curse of Solomon. Solomon was also an ancestor of John.

Each of the accounts describe Jesus having privileges to the Israel's throne. Since he was Joseph's earliest kid, he also had the right to Solomons throne as well. Solomon's ties to it seemed to be unclear basically because he had not been David's earliest son. Furthermore, Solomon seemed to be David's son from his sinful relations with Bathsheba.

However, Jesus was also heir to the throne of David throne through Nathan as proven by Mary's ancestry. Therefore, as the natives of that period would have known, the wedding of Joseph and Mary would end up connecting the claims to the throne of Israel and unite them in Jesus their oldest son.

This set up the competition with the Sanhedrin later in the Bible. Since Jesus is the inheritor of the throne and unifies the competing statements to the throne, the Sanhedrin the government associates of the Romans, at first considered if Jesus, as King of the Jewish people, would side with them to toss off the yoke of Roman oppression. However, when he belittled the Sanhedrin, they switched on him, obligating the Romans to crucify him to sustain their power.

It seemed though that that was already Gods strategy. Christ was the king of a religious dominion and followed a plan to atone the sins of all of humanity. He supplies all the world absolution if they all will only believe, be baptized and repent. This is the layout to the Old Testament and it allows one to comprehend the main plot when studying the Gospels and the Jesus genealogy.

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