Wednesday 3 April 2013

The Law of Success

By Annelise van Den Born

Success does not just happen; it is the result of the application of laws that have been proven over time. From the days of the Roman Empire, these laws have been shown to work. The key is to understand these laws and to work with them, not against them. One such law is the Law of the Farm.The Law of The Farm.The Law of the Farm is based on observation of the world around us, namely the ability of a farmer to raise crops. The Law of the Farm says that success comes from the same process that a harvest comes to a farmer. First, as a farmer plows the ground, the person must be readied for success. The weeds of negative thinking must be cleared away, and the person must be fertilized with thoughts of abundance and possibility. Second, the seeds of success must be sown; these are the actions the person does to generate success. Those actions must be tended, supported by positive thinking, just as the farmer tends his crops. Then, when opportunities arise, they must be harvested, just as the farmer must harvest his crop. The harvest must be done at the right time, in the right way. Just as the farmer can lose his crop if he lets it sit in the field, so the person can lose success if he does not take advantage of the opportunities when they arise in the fullness of time.

Preparing the Field.For the farmer to reap a harvest, he cannot simply scatter seeds in a field. The field must be plowed, fertilized, and otherwise prepared before the seed is planted. For some crops, these may take years of preparation; as Stephen Covey points out in his book, "The Eight Habit", a potato farmer must prepare his field for two years prior to planting. People must be prepared for success the same way. They need to have the weeds of negative thinking cleared away. They must be prepared for the planting by learning the attitude of expectation of success. A person must be fertilized with thoughts of abundance so that the seed has food to grow.

Succeed in School through Extra Credit.Making the law of success work for you requires gumption and foresight. You can't just go by the book and do everything that the teachers tell you to the letter. You also have to step above and beyond these requirements and prove your worth by doing extra credit assignments. It can be as simple as a three-page essay on your insights on a particular topic, to an all-out one-man exhibit on the said topic. Prove to your teachers that you have a passion for learning and for expressing what you've learned. They'll love you for it and reward you handsomely.

Do not will or act first, rather seek God. Sit quietly, calm your senses and release your thoughts. An exact focus will allow God's intention to reach you. When you discern God's will act in accordance with it. Fulfill you dominant purpose - your role in this life.Success is measured by happiness. "Existence becomes futile if you cannot find happiness. When wealth is lost, you have lost little; when health is lost, you have lost something of more consequence; but when peace of mind is lost, you have lost the highest treasure." And peace of mind is the result of aligning your purpose to divine will. Happiness depends chiefly on your mental attitude. Determine to be happy.Think, will, and act guided by divine spirit. The power is yours, use it to attain health, happiness and peace. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Understand and apply the law of success to live a full and fulfilling life.GOD wanted every individual to succeed. Its the Lord's intent that person should become fantastic. It is God's will that man should not only advantage, but enjoy with every pleasant thing in the universe. The law of success and the universal laws of God present human being the whole thing.

A human is born to be powerful. The inborn in him are vast. Each standard human being is provided with a entire set of faculties which, if accurately utilized and exactly used, will assure victory, a mounting victory. Man is formed for improvement. Every human being has within himself the faculty for unending development. Development into everything is the universal law's impressive intention. By finding out how to do with the Law of success in promoting that objective, man may build himself into better and greater success.All the processes of Nature are winning. Nature knows no failures. She never plans anything but success. She seeks at results in every form and manner. To achieve something in the best and identifiable sense of the term we are obliged to, with Nature as our model, copy her ways. In her principles and law of success we shall discover all the secrets of richness..

Limitless richness are at man's consumption. There are no limits to his possibilities. He focuses and understands the basics, forces, and doctrine of the whole world and the law of success. He can improve a great intelligence; thus, all life's issues may be answered, all Nature's secrets exposed, and all human troubles solved. Everything is achievable in this world.

However, do you know that there are 10 other Laws which have to operate together harmoniously for the Law of Attraction to function at its optimum? All these Laws are introduced by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey in a comprehensive Program called the 11 Forgotten Laws.This article gives an overview of the tenth and eleventh Laws from the 11 Forgotten Laws, The Law of Obedience and The Law of Success, explaining what is it and what else will you get when you invest in Bob Proctor's 11 Forgotten Laws Program.

The Law Of Obedience.The Law of Obedience says all the Laws work in their own ways and they can't be changed, regardless of what we want and believe in and notwithstanding whether we agree or not. When we are aware of the Laws and we respect them, then we can act in alignment with them. By doing so, we attract the things we desire into our lives. Be obedient to the laws of the universe. Work with them, don't try to change them. Instead, change yourself.

Your goals and dreams must be personal to you. I remember when I was in college I always wanted to own a home at the age of twenty seven years old. I did not achieve it till I was thirty years old; I was brutal on myself for those three years of not achieving my goal. I did more damage to the success of that goal in the way. I was unforgiving to myself in not reaching it earlier. You have a better chance of reaching your goals and dreams when your mind is right. When you are writing your goals and you feel good about them, then you are more likely to achieve them. If you don't have a good feeling as you write them, then you should review them and change them. The more your mind accepts your goals and dreams the better chance that you to achieve them.The daily regimen of reading your goals is the final ingredient in allowing your definite chief aim to saturate your subconscious mind. This acceptance of your chief aim by the subconscious mind will dominate your activities in your life. Napoleon Hill equates this level of achievement very similar to auto-suggestion. Napoleon Hill as it is written in "Think and Grow Rich" believes that "so as a man thinketh so is he".

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