Tuesday 23 April 2013

Learn How To Set Goals You Really Want To Achieve

By Darrin Wiggins

When you learn how to set goals you develop the necessary skills to create your own life. It is by no accident that most successful people will say their personal wealth is due to their intense focus on goal setting. By building a solid foundation of goals you can essentially control what direction your life takes. You can achieve success by structuring your goals following these six guidelines.

Have you ever considered why so many people can set the same type of goals and yet so few actually achieve them? The difference comes down to who was the most motivated to make their goal happen. The type of motivation is the most important and in almost all the cases it needs to be intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the drive we feel to accomplish a goal that comes from inside of us. When a goal is motivated in this way vs. externally motivated your chances of success increase exponentially. Look at like this: Someone saying you need to lose weight vs. you deciding you want to be healthy creates two different and profound results.

Setting goals that are vague will not allow you to properly plan out the steps you need to take to achieve that goal. A specific goal will have answered all the questions of why you want it, how you will get it and what is needed to succeed among many others. If you can't articulate how you are going to accomplish a goal when someone asks you then you need to get more specific with your goal. People set goals like being wealthy, healthy and wise but without defining what it actually means to be those things you will never reach them.

A goal that is measurable means you have identified the end result you want to create. It could either be the exact amount of money or the number of pounds you want to lose, etc. You will also be able to gauge where you are in your progress. If you want to save $5000 in a year and you are at month six with $2500 you are right on track. If you have eight dollars saved you know you haven't been putting in the work needed or chose an unrealistic goal.

We all have dreams and desires but we tend to stand in our own way of achieving them. We do this by not being honest with ourselves on whether or not we have the skills, talents and strengths needed to attain our goals. If you believe the person you are right now will get you everything you want in life I will be honest and say it most likely won't happen. There will need to be some personal growth that takes place in order to take you from where you are to where you want to go otherwise you would already be there.

Limitless thinking or thinking big is what a lot of successful people will say they used to achieve their goals. What they fail to mention is that they were also experts at setting realistic goals. They set goals that aligned with their core values at the time and felt great while they pursued those goals. Realistically you will not succeed at your goal if you are always sacrificing that which matters the most to you to get it. Even if you do achieve the goal it will leave you feeling empty inside or as some have discovered rich and lonely.

How long is too long to achieve a goal? No one really knows the exact answer being we are all unique individuals. The easiest way to start figuring it out is by researching everything you need to know in order to achieve the goal. Then and only then would you fully understand how long a goal should really take based on the time you are willing to put into it. If you that career that requires a four year degree you don't have and you only want to go to school part time all year then realistically you may need a six year goal or longer.

Learning how to set goals is quite simple but does require you to put in the effort and use trial and error to discover your true goals. Setting goals initially may feel like a huge daunting task but I promise you will find the path that leads you to your dreams. Take the time today to just take the first step and write a bucket list if you have never set goals before. Just this one small action today could result in success tomorrow.

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