Saturday 23 March 2013

Your Best Life Begins With Personal Spiritual Growth

By Zoe Smith

How are you today? Is your life full of ecstasy and fun? Or is it depressing and tragic? If you are like most people, you are probably in the middle. You have a normal life and compared to many people in the rest of the world-you've got it pretty good. Now, is it a bad thing to want more? Of course not! Wanting more is not ingratitude- it is simply how we were created to be. So how do we attain more? The answer is by attending to our personal spiritual growth.

How is my spiritual condition any relevant to my personal development? Everything. Even the people from earlier centuries recognized their need to improve their life and they have done so by making sure that they get deeply involved in enhancing their spiritual life. Think about it, there wasn't any self-help gurus before to point people what is the right way in life? What they had were guides and teachers who taught them how to reach their fullest potential by tapping into the unlimited Source of power Himself.

So what do we do to establish a good spiritual personal development plan? Before anything else, you must realize that you are created for a purpose. There is a reason why you are alive on earth at this time. What is it? Your specific talents and characteristics is a good indication of what it is. What are you passionate about? What do you do that gives you joy? Find out your strengths, weaknesses, passion and beliefs to point you to what God wants to make of your life.

It is critical that you know your purpose in life. When you do, you can prune away things, people and situations that do not help you reach your goals. As you continue to make your way towards your purpose (which is usually revealed a little at a time), always keep a good attitude in life. You will encounter mistakes-made by you and other people. Do what you can about them and move on. Use these experiences as a learning tool and let it go.

Another thing that happens when you cultivate a positive attitude is that you are attracting more good to come in your life. It's true. You will find any effective personal development plan emphasizing the need to dwell on good and expect success. This is because thoughts and emotions are vibrations and this powerful energy will seek to find things of like resonance.

The greatest spiritual teacher once said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive". It is not always believed to be true but it is. When you share of yourself, be it time, money or your talent, you will receive the same back in greater measure than what you put out. More importantly, it will bring you joy and peace as you do.

Gratitude is your connecting link to the Source of all supplies. Therefore, make it a point to look for things you can be grateful for in life. It is one of the most valuable things you can undertake in your journey of personal spiritual growth. Perceive the gifts that life is rewarding you with each day, and more of these blessings will come. Enjoy!

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