Sunday 3 February 2013

How to Stop Smoking

By Cheryl P. Rivera

A lot of people want to know how to quit smoking. Advices and techniques can be found everywhere, but it is important to know that quitting is a matter of will. On the other hand, there are thousands of people who quit every day, and you can be one of them.Maybe you are wondering how others can quit. The answer to the question is very simple, but the theory is simpler than practice. The statistics say that 95% from the people who try to quit would continue to smoke until the end of the first year. So it's clear that you should have a very strong motivation and desire to quit.[]

Being a smoker is like cycling with stabilisers attached to the wheels, you can find it hard to be balanced without smoking. Now, when you cycle freely again, the natural balance returns.When people smoke, more than half of what they breathe is fresh air - pulled through the cigarette right down into the lungs. So if you feel any cravings you can instantly overcome them by taking three deeper breaths. Imagine breathing from that space just below your belly button. Whenever you do this you put more oxygen into your bloodstream. This means you can use deep breaths to change the way you feel instantly and give you power over the way you feel and help you let go of those old cravings and thus making it easier to stop smoking.Next, think now of all the reasons you don't like smoking, the reasons that it's bad and the reasons you want to stop smoking. Write down the key words on a piece of paper. For example, you experience breathlessness, it's dirty, filthy and your clothes smell, your friends and family are concerned and it's expensive, unsociable and so on. Then, on the other side of the paper, write down all the reasons why you'll feel good when you've succeeded in stopping. You'll feel healthier, you'll feel in control of your self, your senses are enhanced, your hair and clothes will smell fresher and so on. Whenever you need to, look at that piece of paper.

Those who smoke constant fight day by day with their longings for more nicotine. It is a material that once in the body has a very tough time letting go.Folk who have smoked for only two months can still discover quitting smoking to be terribly hard. People who have smoked for a number of years, the postulate of giving up smoking is two fold.Becoming entirely smokeless can constantly take several months. In the strenuous adventure to becoming smoke-free, it is important that you retain this mantra in your head : Nothing is really unlikely, you can do it! And to help further in your journey, these are a number of easy and effectual techniques to stop smoking.Really deep breathing is the biggest straightforward strategy you may use to help begin giving up smoking. Try and do these steps 3 times whenever you are feeling the desire to pick up a cigarette.

Have a think to yourself about the consequences of you not stopping smoking now, if you just carry on and on. Imagine it, what will happen if you carry on smoking. What are the consequences? Imagine yourself in 6 months time, a years time, even 5 years time if you do not stop smoking now. Think of all the detrimental effects of not stopping right now and how a simple decision you make today can make such an impact on your future.Next, imagine how much better is your life going to be when you stop smoking. Really imagine it's months from now and you successfully stopped.

As you know, there are tons of stop smoking tips on the market. We see them every time we go to the store and watch television. Smoking is a terrible addiction that most people around the world think they can kick. You need to realize that every time you are smoking a cigarette, you are killing yourself, slowly. There are hundreds of nasty chemicals in each cigarette and you are putting that into your body. The addictive chemical in there is called nicotine. Your body craves it and it's telling you to smoke another cigarette. Don't do it. The best thing you can do is to say no. Try to busy yourself to keep your mind occupied.

Stopping smoking may take a divergent period for each person and there's not one correct or specific stop smoking program that will make sure of success. Should you are aware of your triggers and are free to evade them when compulsory, you will have an improved likelihood of giving up smoking and succeeding. The desire for nicotine can continue for years following your success at quitting smoking, so don't be shocked when you crave a cigarette awhile after you stop smoking. Just consider your own health and the health of those around you, and that alone should be inducement enough to get you to start taking cigarettes seriously.

You were used to using cigarettes to signal to your body to release happy chemicals, so next we are going to programme some good feelings into your future. Allow yourself to fully remember now a time when you felt very deep ecstasy, pleasure or bliss, right now. Take a moment to recall it as vividly as possible. Remember that time - see what you saw, hear what you heard and feel how good you felt. Where abouts in your body were those feelings, imagine turning them up and spreading them through your body to make them more intense.Keep going through the memory, as soon as it finishes, go through it again and again, all the time squeezing your thumb and finger together. In your mind, make those images big and bright, sounds loud and harmonious and feelings strong and intensified. We are making an associational link between the squeeze of your fingers and that good feeling.

You can avoid the risk of cancer in the long term and quitting can help you live a better and longer life. There are various reasons why people smoke, but you can also find alternatives for it too. If you think that smoking gives you peace of mind, freedom from stress or anything else, you should substitute that behaviour with something positive. If you think smoking provides you relaxation and reduces stress, you should try deep breathing, meditation and exercise. This will help you grow spiritually, mentally and physically. When you are at peace with yourself, life will become easier too.

Take advantage of technology. Instead of keeping your goals to yourself, it is best that you create and write a blog to keep track of your daily progress; this also avoids the issue of being shamed in public. If other people know what you're doing, then you would be pressured to maintain and achieve your goals. If possible, write everything that you've been going through and the difficulties that you're having in your blog. E-mail your family and friends and ask them to have your blog page bookmarked, and let them eventually visit it from time to time. Ask them to leave their comments. This is one of the best ways to gain their moral and emotional support that you need. Preferably, write at least three to four times per day - you can always talk about your cravings, and even the different things that you have encountered, as well as the things that you did to deal with it. This way, you'll be afraid of experiencing "public shame" and you have different people at your back, as they observe you every day as you take the challenge of quitting smoking.

Making a personal smoking cessation plan will be a lot more helpful than the one you will find on the internet. This will also help you understand yourself in a better manner. Write down your plan about how you want to quit smoking. You can either quit smoking cold turkey or give it up slowly. Quitting cold turkey is not easy. Many smokers quit at least 5-6 times before they give it up forever. When you quit smoking, withdrawal symptoms of this problem are high and you need to manage your cravings.When you stop smoking, you will experience restlessness, fatigue, sleeplessness, frustration and anger. This is when Champix can help you quit smoking and stay with your decision of not smoking again in your life. Quitting can be tough but you can do it if you are ready to change your life for better. The trick is to always stay motivated, and determined. The more focused you are, the easier it is for you to give up this habit. Keep your eyes on the goal and ensure that you stay strong in spite of the temptation to smoke.

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