Tuesday 22 January 2013

How to Change Your Life by Reinventing Yourself, and Not

By Julie M. Mortensen

The 21st century has brought on a whole new set of challenges for many of us, bringing the infamous how to change your life topic to new and unexpected heights. To steal a line from one of my faves, Lewis Black; "Even a good fiction writer couldn't have come up with this."

Whatever your life is like today, it didn't get that way overnight, and it won't change overnight. All you have to do is make a commitment to do something today that will change your life today. Then, each day, recommit. Don't try to do it all at once. In fact, by taking small steps, eventually you'll reach your goal. Although it's a cliche, it really is true that "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

The process of how to change your life probably will involve some sort of change or reinvention of yourself, but not from the perspective of a total revamp. Consider the following: Cut some seriously undisturbed time for yourself. Everything off... no multi-tasking.Grab a pen and paper and list, or storyboard if you will, every one of your strengths... think hard on this, I mean every one.Now, look at those already established strengths and search for connections or ideas you probably haven't thought of in the spirit of creating a new direction for yourself with those abilities that you already own.

Just think of it as a movie screen and the film being projected onto that screen as being yourself, your beliefs. As soon as you change your beliefs that new imagine will then be the one reflected back to you.

I'm a musician of 40 years, as well as a composer for 30 of those years. Long story short, my chosen musical idiom in these times does not offer the rewards of a comfortable life without some serious, and I mean serious sacrifice. That sacrifice was OK in terms of myself. But after becoming a single Dad, my reality, my focus began to alter. For the first time ever I was considering a potential life change. Let's see, a day job... not a chance in hell. What can I do?

Motivational material can be anything. If you read the Bible, try reading Psalms and Proverbs for 20 minutes a day. There are also many great authors available that you can read. My personal favorites are Tony Robbins, Lisa Diane, Jack Canfield, and Wallace Wattles, the author of "The Science of Getting Rich".

How to change your life can be seen in different light, you just have to put the time in and discover it, and then get CREATIVE with those discoveries. Realize those inherent gifts you already own and make them work for you in alternative life settings... or, a new career. I can't begin to tell you how many of those we've labeled geniuses have used that creative storyboard scenario to accomplish their goals. Reinvent... and not!

Exercise. No self help plan would be complete without exercise. Exercise gets your blood flowing and will give you more energy. You will feel and look so much better, and if you do something that is high in intensity, then you can get fit as well. My routine generally includes The 5 Tibetan Rites every day, and then alternating between squats one day and pushups the other.

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